
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hero Factory 3.0: Stringer and Bulk

Stringer and Bulk come back, both looking very cool. They probably have around 30 pieces. I love both of there helmets but the weapons are kind of weak this summer, being just claws. They are each priced at $7.99. I like bulk being in a darkish silver. Stringer having a mix of black and yellow is nice. Stringer seems to be a bear theme while Bulk seems to be a wolf. Every hero has a green piece on his arm or leg with picture of what animal they represent. It’s a nice touch to have and I like it better then the name plate on the 2.0s. There are many new piece, the weapons and the helmets are new. There are also many recolored pieces. What do you think of these 2 sets? Hopefully I’ll have more pics of every set soon. The other 4 heroes coming next. Click on the pics fro larger images.


  1. I agree. I'm still looking at the other pics from Toy fair and I can't believe how awesome they are. My favourites Rocka because the Gold is great.

  2. I love Stringer! My favorite thing about him is ... EVERY THING!!!!
