
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hero Factory 2.0: Surge

Surge 2.0 is my other favorite Hero Factory 2.0 set. I love his helmet and his sniper rifle is really cool although it looks like it will cause some articualtion problems with it having to be held with two hands. Again I don't like the armor part with his name on it and the green spike sticking out of one shoulder would look better if there was another one sticking out of the other shoulder. The new feet are pretty cool. The new hero cores look good but I liked the old ones too. What do you think of this set?


  1. nice, I just wish that hero factory would have included more bionicle pieces in their heroes just because all the villains, especially Von Nebula, rotor and thunder, look really cool mostly because of the bionicle pieces. I think it would encourage old bionicle fans to buy them so they would get the cool pieces for MoCing and Lego would get a lot of money!

  2. Also it would be easier to make more MoCs of hero factory heroes and villains.

  3. I agree that moc would be easier with more bionicle pieces but i also like having the new pieces. If Hero Factory is around long enough, it will be easy to make mocs of them.
